
Thursday 16 June 2011

Closing soon - NDF2011 call for presenters

I try not to mix my worlds up too much on this blog, but I want to pimp the National Digital Forum conference that's happening at Te Papa on 29 and 30 November this year.

It's New Zealand's key event for web-inclined people working in, with and near museums, galleries, archives, libraries, and any other organisation or company or endeavour interested in getting New Zealand's culture and heritage online, accessible and re-usable.

As well as invited speakers, each year we run an open call for presenters. This year we welcome proposals on a range of topics including:

  • connecting our online culture and heritage - through partnerships and through technology
  • measuring success and failure - how do we know when we’re doing the right thing well?
  • getting New Zealand’s culture and heritage out into the world: innovative projects, community engagement, education, re-use by consumers and creators
  • sharing stories of inspirational and creative projects
  • the challenges and opportunities facing our sector.

We also welcome proposals that don't relate directly to these topics, but that you think will resonate with conference attendees.

I'm co-convening the conference this year with Brenda Leeuwenberg from NZ on Screen. If you would like to discuss an idea before submitting a proposal, you can contact us by email: conference AT

The call for papers closes on 20 June, and we hope to have registrations for the conference open at about the same time.

More information about the Call for Presenters and an online submission form are available on the NDF website.

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