Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Web muster

I read really fast. Too fast. I think the reason I enjoy re-reading books is that I often don't remember half of what happened (even the endings are occasionally surprises, embarrassing as that is to admit). This year I'm trying to slow down and keep track of my reading, and a friend suggested Goodreads. If you're interested in social bookreading sites (stay turned for further explication of my 'Being Alone Together' thesis once I've fully though it through) check out this Wired article.

The IMA is previewing their new website, the result of several years' hard work: a detailed post with loads of pictures & access details for the live preview is on the IMA blog.

I'm tracking stuff like the Newspaper Club and MagCloud with interest; here's an article on on-demand publishing featuring the awesome Derek Powazek.

Thomas P Campbell interviewed on his first year running the Met.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never felt an urge to catalogue my books. I love (mostly non-fiction) books, but they're just things that sit there waiting to amuse me every now and then.

Music on the otherhand... now that's something I can get passionate about. Interesting that there are no social music collection cataloguing sites (that I can see) - and I mean physical music (CDs, vinyl, etc), not MP3s. Why is that?