Wednesday, 27 May 2009


I have to give some ups to Leonhard Emmerling and his posting on the NZatVenice blog.

After a rather stilted start to the blog, Emmerling has picked up the pace & is giving me what I want as a long-distance follower: heaps of pics and a sense of what it's like to be in Venice during the installation period. If the gallery attendants can keep this up, I'll be a happy arts supporter.

A couple of small suggestions:

  1. As well as the 'Who are your bloggers' sidebar info, how about dropping in similarly sized snippets with pics of the artists, two sentences on their projects, and a link to more info? People (like me) will be pushing viewers straight to the blog, and this info is not currently immediately apparent.
  2. Video. Please give me video of the spaces.
  3. Think about loading the pics to Flickr, then embedding them in the blog. It gives people a chance to link their own photos of the installations to yours, and to leave comments in another forum.
  4. You could also CC-licence the pics so that bloggers and MSM can use them when they're writing you up.

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