Thursday 31 January 2013

Check on it

I'm not shy to admit that I'm still a huge Destiny's Child fan (although their recently-released reunion track isn't, to my mind, a patch on their original work).

I'm also quite fascinated by the way Beyonce Knowles has managed her career. It's the preternatural control that intrigues me. And so I was not surprised to read the following in an otherwise blah-blah GQ article:

There, across from the narrow conference room in which you are interviewing her, is another long, narrow room that contains the official BeyoncĂ© archive, a temperature-controlled digital-storage facility that contains virtually every existing photograph of her, starting with the very first frames taken of Destiny's Child, the '90s girl group she once fronted; every interview she's ever done; every video of every show she's ever performed; every diary entry she's ever recorded while looking into the unblinking eye of her laptop.   
And this room—she calls it her "crazy archive"—is a key part of that, she will explain, so, "you know, I can always say, 'I want that interview I did for GQ,' and we can find it." And indeed, she will be able to find it, because the room in which you are sitting is rigged with a camera and microphone that is capturing not just her every utterance but yours as well. These are the ground rules: Before you get to see BeyoncĂ©, you must first agree to live forever in her archive, too. 

That's amazing. What will she do with it? How is it being managed and catalogued and preserved? When will we have Beyonce at NDF?

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