Friday 5 October 2007

Wandering on the web

You know how some days when you're walking to work, you don't just see the normal cohort of people who are on the same timetable as you - instead, you see a dance troupe practising their 'Shake your tail feather routine', three marching bands and the Water Whirler actually working?

Well, maybe you don't. But to continue my analogy - Stumble Upon is like that.

For work-related reasons today I finally got round to checking this out. After signing up you download a toolbar, select a group of interests, and start Stumbling. Every time you hit the Stumble Upon icon, it serves you up a fresh website that's been tagged with the interests you selected. You give the site a thumbs up or thumbs down, and the service starts to learn your likes and dislikes.

I put 'art' and 'painting' as two interest, and my god, have I seen some scary stuff, interspersed with some gems. Like this gallery of hand art:

This gallery of street installations:

And this post on Ron Mueck, which mixes in images from the Brooklyn Museum's Flickr set, which I talked about the other day, with snaps of people looking at the work:

It interests me that in a world where it's hard to get people to vote in an election, people go out of their way to find ways to vote and favourite online.


Post-It note art:

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